Sunday, July 10, 2005

Uganda #6: Visiting Cousins & the Birth

We hired a driver to go see my other cousins Edgar & Mary at their seminary schols. Classes run year round with month breaks every 3 months. They have visiting days 1x/month where parents & friends meet up. Every child wears uniforms & Maria the only girl of the 4 kids has her he hair shaved off, a requirement at school.
Afterwards, we go see the Nderere Troup dance traditional dances. It's an amazing show & we're told they are coming to Chicago in Sept so I will be there with a Kellogg friends (I'm sure I can get a group of 10 to go). I volunteer to go onstage with 4 other people & we compete in a series of games inclding peeling a green banana, running & drinking with a clay pot on our heads. I come in 2nd but everyone says I should I have come in 1st, but I got confused & lost time. I win an "African violin" made of animal skin. I played the violin when I was younger, so it's a fitting instrument for me to win.

When we return, the pig is giving birth. By the time I run there with my camera, she's had 10 babies, 1 died in birth, the other is weak & half the size of the others. It lies helpless on the side trying to stand but it's so small. One is stuck underneath the mother. I scream, "you can do it. Climb over." It manages to climb halfway but falls. Uncle gets a stick & pushes it over & the 8 babies fight to suckle on their mother. My favorite baby pig is an all black one named Sabuni (soap in Luganda). I like the sound of her name.


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