Tuesday, June 21, 2005

KAOs Trip in August

I just found out that I got my 1st choice, the Mystery Trip, as part of the KAOs trips. KAOs trips are taken a week before classes begin with 20 Kellogg students. It's supposed to be a bonding experience. You can choose where to go anywhere OR pick the Mystery Trip where you don't know where you're going until the day before you go.... hmmmm. The previous 4 MT (Mystery Trips) were Belize, Iceland, Fiji and the Galapagos Islands. The question is where will we be going this year??? I am so excited! This years 2005 trips were

Alaska, USA - The Call of the Wild!!!
Amazon, Ecuador - Amazin Amazon
Aruba - Wild On Aruba
Belize - Belizzle fo’ Shizzle!
Bolivia - I Can’t Bolivia It’s Not Butter
California, USA - Goin’ back to Cali…Cali…Cali
Cancun, Mexico - The Real Cancun
Curacao, Netherlands Antilles - Curacao Gone Wild
Dominica - A Unique-ah Domi-NEE-kuh
Dominican Republic - Getting TAN in DominiCAN!!!
Honduras - Hella Good Time in Honduras
Ilha Grande, Brazil - Licensed to Ilha…”yes yes y’all!”
Las Vegas/SW USA - Wild, Wild, West Adventure
Miami and Caribbean - High Five, Let's Dive
Montego Bay, Jamaica - Jamaican me Crazy
Mystery Trip?
Nicaragua - Heeeeey Yaaaaaa!!! Managua
Panama - PANAMANIA!!!!!
Peru - Macho Machu Picchu – Peru 4 U!
Petersfield, Jamaica - Life According to Jamaica
Puerto Rico - Shake your bon-bon in Puerto Rico
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Off the Charta in Puerto Vallarta
Quepos, Costa Rica - Get Your Freak On in Costa Rica
Quito and Guayaquil, Ecuador - Getting More in Ecuador
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Shake, Rattle and Rio
Seattle and San Juan Islands, USA - Kickin’ it With Killer Whales!
St. Lucia - Loungin’ in St. Lucia!
Switzerland - Swiss Sweetness
Tamarindo, Costa Rica - Costa Rican Craziness
Tortola, British Virgin Islands - Tortolotta Love
Trinidad & Tobago - Too Hot to Handle
Venezuela - Amazing Amazon and Ruckus in los Roques

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Preparing for Business School: Phase I

I have finally told most of my friends, family & workplace peers that I will be at Kellogg in the fall '05. Everyone exclaims, "get ready for the winter & the wind!" But I don't get how cold it will be because I'm here in HOTlanta & my air conditioner is on 24/7.

There's a lot to do as I prepare for b-school, closing down accts, health forms, saving money, planning the move to Evanston, planning a yard sale to sell most of my stuff etc.

To top it off, I am going to Uganda in July meaning more planning, packing & preparing since I will be gone for 3 weeks. My 1st time back in 15 years. Lots to think about & I have 3 stops over 3 days to get to Uganda from ATL. I'm excited.